joi, 30 iulie 2009

Obscurity of insanity

"Obscurity of insanity" session which I am planning to do,a vintage I might say about normal insanity and its obscurity.The world can be a beautiful place to live and I know many of you will consider that something that has been said already.Ofcourse it has,but we are different,each of us has his own point of view,and this is my biggest attraction,to see things from a variety point of views,I always do that...I am a stundent at psychology so I'm always interested to meet people,because their individuality can be fascinating sometimes,but also they can be conffused,desorientation can appear in their life in a world which is moving fast and has a variety of opportunities,good and bad.The same question that not so many times has been told "What is really good for me?".You see...many people believe that being happy its hard to do,but this is because they try to follow other's dreams and hopes.It can be a tricky thing also when you don't have time to know yourself better...There is so much to discover in this world,but also in each of you.Many get stuck in their believes,becase many times is a "lack" of something which leads to failure.Frustrating,not knowing whats next to be done...I wouldn't go so far because this is more like an experiment,which each of you might choose to be part or not.Anyone needs to be understanded,some of you might feel a little compassion when others describe feelings which also you feel like.Imagine a drawing,of a world...each of portrait of you placed in it,How would you like to be painted?Could you make yourself a portrait?In order to do this, you will need to be aware of any details you have,and how can you use them to express something,because even a painter has a background meaning of all picture,perhaps he will be the only one who understands it,but it can be so many other things to those who watch it.So much for today,cause I like to be short on this,but try to see world as a painted picture,outside of everything and try to locate yourself in it.Have a nice day;)

joi, 25 septembrie 2008


de multe ori,cei mai multi dintre noi ne punem intrebari,intrebari care nu-si au rostul daca e sa ne detasam de la ceea ce ne deosebeste pe noi de materialism,de chestiile standard care le primim in viata,le privim,le admiram si ne bucuram de ele,imaginatia fiecaruia e singura realitate pe care o vedem si o simtim in acelasi timp,senzatiile care ne cuprind in diferite situatii...asta e tot ce avem noi,restul poate fi cele mai multe ori,cand credem in ceva...daca credem destul de mult si ne dorim...reusim s-o facem realitate.
Cateodata,nu reusim sa ne realizam realitatiile,si privim cu esec in spate, si niciodata nu putem vedea lucrurile asa cum sa ne bucuram de ele, cum zicea:) un tanar neamtz "beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder"...
Cineva ma contrazicea indignat ca opusul iubirii,e ura...cand de fapt,Indiferenta,poate fi opus si pentru iubire si pentru ura. Daca traim in indiferenta nu suferim...cel putin nu acum,dar candva se-ntoarce impotriva noastra...pentru ca dealtfel,indiferenta e o arma buna care distruge sau autodistruge... iar daca folosim indiferenta fata de tot ce ne inconjoara,realizam involuntar in timp,ca suntem tot mai dezorientati...sau nu stiu, cel putin tinerii din zilele noastre asa par,nu-i judec,poate nu-i inteleg,poate au alte atractii...
si aici,ma-ntrerup singur...trezit la o alta realitate,brusc, aberat?